Hi there!

I have a Object Desktop subscription and I use WindowBlinds WB 5.49a beta now.

The one thing a get with certain WB skins is that the systray icons and quicklanch icons become all jagged. Like with JJ Ying's excellent Azenis 2 skin:


I got this problem as far I can remember with all other v5 windowsblinds versions...
I know I'm not the only one having this problem.

Is there some way to fix this as it ruins the superb work of JJ Ying

System info:
WindowBlinds version : WindowBlinds 5 (5.1 (build 82 x86))

WindowBlinds is installed correctly on this PC

WindowBlinds appears to be activated on this PC

You have 2 monitors.

(SyncMaster 205BW/204BW, SyncMaster Magic CX203BW(Digital)) 1 is attached to RADEON 9800 XT
(Plug and Play Monitor) 2 is attached to RADEON 9800 XT - Secondary

Wblind.dll      2006/11/18 14:47:20
Wblind64.dll      2006/10/09 11:51:37
Wbsrv.dll      2006/11/18 14:47:19
Wbconfig.exe      2006/11/15 19:39:02
Wbload.exe      2006/03/13 16:54:14
Wbhelp.dll      2004/09/18 16:37:07
Wbui.dll      2005/12/06 20:29:06
Tray.dll      2006/04/28 18:26:49

on Nov 23, 2006
Display Properties -> Settings -> Advanced -> DPI setting. It's been my experience that anything other than the normal 96dpi causes jaggies.
on Nov 24, 2006
Thanx for your reply Orion.

Check the DPI settings and it was 96Dpi...I've never changed it.

I know I can fix it temporarely by slsecting the default Win XP (Luna) style.
The icons are normal then. I can then re-apply the wanted Windowblinds and it still is OK. But when I reboot the PC the icons get jagged again.

Do you or anyone else know an other solution?

on Nov 24, 2006
What is your current garphics card driver release level? I used to have the same problem (jagged icons). When WB first loaded everything was fine, but as I changed skins the icons would get worse and worse forcing me to reboot to reset everything. I updated my ATI graphics driver a couple of months ago and the problem went away. I had also sent in a ticket to support and that was their recommendation. Try sending in a ticket to support, if it isn't an old garphics driver problem. I hope that helps.  
on Nov 25, 2006
The system tray icons will be resized if the titlebar height differs by quite a bit from the standard windows size.  You can reproduce this with Windows Classic too.
on Nov 25, 2006

BigDogBigFeet: I am using an ATI 9800XT with the newest CATALYST 6.11 driver. Already submitted a ticket to SD support...let's see what comes from them

Neil: But then anyone using this skin would have this problem? Or is there anything abnormal that causes this?

on Nov 25, 2006
I'm wondering if whatever it is that you have running in your System Tray <---------- (weather, etc.) is causing the problem? Have you tried shutting that addon down to see if the "jaggies" disappear?
on Nov 25, 2006

I found the "reboot-proof" solution. Thanx to Neils tip.

You have to go to: Display properties -> Design Tab -> Advanced -> Other advanced options and I had to set the Active (or inactieve...) Titlebar to 18 in stead of the 22 it was set to.

Could be that some previous skin had forced this setting?

Anyway: it works like a charm now.

Thanx again Neil