Published on December 15, 2009 By The Dementor-NL In Fences

After updating Fences Pro to v 1.00.4263 is see that the file debuglog.txt in C:\Documents and Settings\[username]\Application Data\Stardock\Fences\TroubleshootingLog is constantly growing in size.

Within a few hours it get's to about 20MB in size filled with data like:

0C3F3F0E - Phqxzrn Cdvfrewbj - Rqqrxpn Avhueqef
00C3F3F05 - Bjabhtt Niwjrtz - Pnajj
00C3F3F0A - Dtejjdx Tsartdd - Wid
00C3F3F0E - Phqxzrn Cdvfrewbj - Xnmc Rrdcgg
00C3F3F06 - Rjszxpl JbgoGgsvhf - Mcbvrf 4 Sumzph
00C3F4000 - Pzojbxj Wlxlrwunp - Jlhjkk Audoagwgtr
00C3F43ED - Zlcdjvv Mhdhbiihx - Ghzfkmo
00C3F43E6 - QFLAMOC QltnIrsoHhag - Gyliywg::CvxvYnoyk
00C3F43EF - TDJFNMQC QNVA MvxvGlioHhak - Smfmooe::IfxrMzqma
00C3F43E8 - LBZBBKKMO VYUT PaeqRonzn - Ewficii::OftfGligm
00C3F43E5 - Bjabhtt Kffjdkkjz - Yuwyei Dumoef
00C3F43E3 - Vrujbbn Enznxoanp - Scqgyq Hzdjtvxf / Uzptf
00C3F43EA - Dtejjdx Qpjrfqkrb - Erfnml Vyhlj
00C3F43E2 - Fvgllfz Orhthsmpz - Whcetnfz
00C3F43EE - IqbCxra_SnaYgfzYcbg - Edldjn hd etjtdnqb, Qmp
00C3F7F82 - QF_VIKVVPOILTX: Pri uheir g jtkoaycx
00C3F7F8E - HjwpbxfKuju_WhdaombVuui::Bhbnfgswas
00C3F8651 - MqnkmeePjgh_XkqvdjoMxlh::Iggyitfjrv Waeshthx - Rl Jxqshx
00C3F8653 - SitgsakHpyn_DgarjbuIhhr::MtucuBeudbhqWbpt
00C3F865C - GgjcguaDhwd_RaqnbzkEvfh::GjqqoRambvhiUrlh - ZbQjfydos

My roaming profile has a quota of 150MB and this file keeps preventing me from logging off.
Turning off Fences and manually removing de debuglog fixes it, but starting Fences again causes the debuglog to grow again...

What could be causing this?


Dennis Anneveldt

on Dec 16, 2009


Me too. Same build, same problem. Debug file is filling up about 50Kb per second.
Luckily it seems to reach a maximum size and starts again. But my hard disk light is on solidly and the PC performance is slowed a lot.

I was running fine on the previous build. I upgraded on Monday to the latest and was okay until I rebooted the PC yesterday evening.

I used SysInternals Filemon to discover why I had such high disk activity. Fences is constantly writing to the log file. Is this a debug build that has somehow got out into the wild by mistake? I looked in the registry for a key that might disable debugging but can't find anything.

I've reported to Stardock already. Hopefully a fix coming soon before my hard disk breaks down!


on Dec 17, 2009

I'm having the same issue. I had to uninstall Fences to stop it.

on Dec 20, 2009

Yikes - I believe we have this fixed up. Please give the latest version available on Impulse a try... there was a glitch on XP systems only with update detection that was causing the icons to resync continuously